The Issue with Clinical Studies Today…

The current healthcare clinical trial landscape challenges the ability to advance treatment options for all patients.

The exclusion of several underserved patient groups (e.g., ethnic minorities, women, elderly, those at the extremes of weight range, individuals with organ dysfunction, those with malignancies or certain infections such as HIV, and children) can negatively impact the data generated from studies, especially when these groups are routinely excluded from trials without sufficient clinical or scientific justification.

The Importance of Inclusion

People may experience the same disease differently.

Clinical trials must include people with various lived experiences, living conditions, and characteristics like race and ethnicity, age, sex, and sexual orientation so that all communities benefit from scientific advances.

AngioDynamics’ Grant Initiative

Our belief: people in need of care should receive care.

Clinical trials and healthcare, in general, should reflect society. This is why we are sponsoring a grant opportunity for our clinical trial sites working to build programs and partnerships with communities typically underrepresented in clinical trials.

Letter of Intent Application

AngioDynamics clinical trial sites which are interested in the Partnerships for Clinical Trial Engagement grant program should fill out the form below to begin the application process. We expect the average award to be $5,000 per year.

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