Kizy Sorato Tavares headshot

Kizy Sorato Tavares

Country Manager for Brazil

AngioDynamics employees are among the Company’s greatest assets. Our Dynamic People spotlights the faces and impressive talent helping the organization meet its commitment to provide patients around the world with solutions that deliver high-quality care, wellness, and cures to live healthier, happier lives. Today, we’re highlighting Kizy Sorato Tavares, Country Manager for Brazil.

Q & A

How long have you been with AngioDynamics, and what do you do?

I’ve been working for AngioDynamics for 2.5 years. I’m responsible for creating and implementing AngioDynamics’ entire business and operation strategy for each of our Global Business Units (GBUs) in Brazil. My job is to engage with our distributors, managing all areas of those partnerships, and also support the end user customer. This work involves a great interaction with all the support areas of AngioDynamics.

What do you find most challenging about your work?

Certainly the most challenging thing for me is to lead 3 GBUs with totally different products, strategies, and call points. Even though it is challenging, it is what I like most about my work. This makes it extremely dynamic! I also appreciate the great people I work with–they are very important to me.

In the next 10 years I….

…foresee more responsibility within my company at higher positions, managing and being a role model leader to my reports and everyone I relate with. In addition, and very important to me, is to know that I have played an important role on the matter of diversity and inclusion within my company.

Kizy Sorato Tavares and her dog

One of Kizy’s favorite sayings:

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

— African Proverb

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