Harvey Galvin headshot

Harvey Galvin

Director of Marketing

AngioDynamics employees are among the Company’s greatest assets. Our Dynamic People spotlights the faces and impressive talent helping the organization meet its commitment to provide patients around the world with solutions that deliver high-quality care, wellness, and cures to live healthier, happier lives. Today, we’re highlighting Harvey Galvin, Director of Marketing, Market Access & Commercial Excellence for International.

Q & A

How long have you been with AngioDynamics, and what do you do?

I have been with the company for almost five years, starting as a territory manager for oncology in the UK, then moving into Market Access for Europe. I am the Director of Marketing, Market Access & Commercial Excellence for International.

What attracted you to AngioDynamics?

Three big things – Mastery, Autonomy, and Purpose. I sought a job and company that offered an opportunity to improve myself, take responsibility, and, importantly, give me the satisfaction of working on something meaningful. When I first looked at AngioDynamics, the oncology space excited me (and Ben Overton told me the territory in question had a lot of opportunity). Still, it was the chance to take ownership of bringing new technology to hospitals.

What do you like most about your work?

I love digging through the details of clinical papers, conference notes, and doctor discussions to find one shining bit of information I can share as part of why our products can make a difference in the market. Slowly you get enough of those pieces to tell a good story that enables the rest of the team in AngioDynamics to get more hospitals treating patients. I’ve been given a few nicknames because of this approach, almost all relating to the words “geek” or “nerd!”

What do you find most challenging about your work?

I always worry I am not giving enough of myself to those that need support. Working closely with division leaders and corporate functions across International time zones and closely with corporate functions can be challenging. But luckily, I have built some friendly relationships, which means that even if meetings are delayed or moved, I get energy from so many people.

What has been your proudest moment at AngioDynamics?

I have two distinct moments:

1. When University College London Hospital introduced NanoKnife for prostate cancer as the first public hospital, I was incredibly proud that our work meant men that couldn’t afford private fees now had an alternative option for their prostate cancer treatment. They have since gone from trialing it to expanding it and advocating for widespread implementation!

2. Working with all the International leaders on partnership deals that would have been out of our reach a couple of years ago. Seeing people grow in stature as they realized they could achieve these big targets and being able to play a small part in transforming our division into one that significantly contributes to AngioDynamics growth

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Considering how fast things have changed in the past five years, I’m unsure what I’ll be doing in the next ten! I’ve found a crossover where my interests in science and physiology have met with my professional skills, so I plan to keep working in teams that want to grow technology in healthcare. Keep working away at that Mastery element!

Harvey Galvin and his family

One of Harvey’s favorite sayings:

"No one can lead a happy life if he thinks only of himself and turns everything to his own purpose. You should live for the other person if you wish to live for yourself"

— Seneca

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