Samantha Compton headshot

Samantha Compton

Sales Development & Execution Manager

AngioDynamics employees are among the Company’s greatest assets. Our Dynamic People spotlights the faces and impressive talent helping the organization meet its commitment to provide patients around the world with solutions that deliver high-quality care, wellness, and cures to live healthier, happier lives. Today, we’re highlighting Samantha Compton, Sales Development & Execution Manager.

Q & A

How long have you been with AngioDynamics, and what do you do?

I have been with AngioDynamics for over a year with the Auryon team as the Sales Development & Execution Manager.

What drew you to AngioDynamics originally?

The company culture, the friendly people, and the opportunity for growth in a driven organization drew me to apply to AngioDynamics.

What do you like most about your work?

I love developing an entire training program and providing a custom instructional framework that works best for our team and the dynamics of the Auryon business. I brought fresh ideas to dated training programs and utilized my passion for training to execute these inspirational changes to energize sales and clinical teams to perform flawlessly in the field. Seeing my enthusiastic training benefit the Auryon team and other business units within AngioDynamics has been exciting.

What do you find most challenging about your work?

What’s most challenging is that sales tactics and the culture around sales are ever-changing, which causes the training teams to adjust to meet these new strategies. As we continue to develop new training programs, we want to ensure that the sales and clinical teams are prepared to sell our products with confidence and drive revenue for AngioDynamics.

What has been your proudest moment at AngioDynamics?

I had a few proud moments at AngioDynamics over my first year with the organization.

Being in a training role that assists the field sales and clinical teams to excel in their careers at AngioDynamics is one of the most fulfilling parts of my position. Creating the Field Sales Training program highlights these individuals who go above and beyond daily.

Developing the BASE CAMP program was also a very gratifying experience. The program is designed to teach the field-based sales and clinical teams how to sell and execute the sales cycle in a “safe space.” The feedback we received about this program was fantastic, and I was happy to see the team have ongoing education opportunities to grow personally and professionally at AngioDynamics.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Not positive about what life will look like ten years from now, but I look forward to continuing to learn and grow with AngioDynamics in the upcoming years.

Samantha and friend on vacation

One of Samantha’s favorite sayings:

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

— Henry Ford

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