Keith Manscuk headshot

Keith Manscuk

FP&A Finance Manager

AngioDynamics employees are among the Company’s greatest assets. Our Dynamic People spotlights the faces and impressive talent helping the organization meet its commitment to provide patients around the world with solutions that deliver high-quality care, wellness, and cures to live healthier, happier lives. Today, we’re highlighting Keith Manscuk, FP&A Finance Manager.

Q & A

Get to know Keith Manscuk:

Keith leads the financial planning and analysis (FP&A) team as an FP&A Finance Manager and recently hit his 7th anniversary at AngioDynamics. He operates in several department areas and supervises company financial functions, such as budgeting, forecasting, planning, and other fiscal needs for our internal customers.

How he got here:

He originally started his AngioDynamics career on the accounting team but was eager to shift into a more strategic finance role, integrating into a more significant portion of the company business. Keith’s current position fits this role, and he’s enthusiastic that he can do what he loves for an innovative medical technology company that helps people daily.

What he’s saying:

“Throughout my career at Angio, I’ve discovered programs, procedures, and policies can change at a rapid pace, but it’s gratifying and a great way to learn something new daily.”

What he’s working on:

Keith’s team recently rolled out solutions for select groups on operating costs to track spend vs. budgets in a more hands-on and real-time manner. Keith and his team are focused on the financial future of AngioDynamics, budgeting, forecasting, and strategizing to help understand what the business looks like months ahead.

What he’s reading/watching:

Keith is reading Children of Dune, the third novel in the Dune trilogy, and anxiously awaits the second Dune movie. He also finished watching the second season of the television series Foundation and enjoys books, TV, and films about fantasy or Sci-Fi.

Free time:

Keith and his family enjoy the outdoors whenever possible and take day trips to large playgrounds or hiking. Or if the weather isn’t agreeable, the family enjoys movie night watching family-fun Disney films.

Keith's family at the beach

One of Keith’s favorite sayings:

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail"

— Confucius

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