Kevin Dugan headshot

Kevin Dugan

Global Customer Service Manager

AngioDynamics employees are among the Company’s greatest assets. Our Dynamic People spotlights the faces and impressive talent helping the organization meet its commitment to provide patients around the world with solutions that deliver high-quality care, wellness, and cures to live healthier, happier lives. Today, we’re highlighting Kevin Dugan, Global Customer Service Manager.

Q & A

How long have you been with AngioDynamics, and what do you do?

I have been with AngioDynamics for 8 years. My primary responsibility is as Customer Service Manager of our Global Call Center, which opens at 5:00 a.m. (EST) and wraps up every day at 7:00 p.m. Some of my other responsibilities include ensuring cohesive relationships with our two 3PL partnerships, UPS in Canada and Healthlink in the Netherlands, and Oracle Customer Master.

What do you find most challenging about your work?

The most challenging part of my role is staying ahead of the curve with so many moving pieces that can change by the minute. AngioDynamics offers some of the most critical and lifesaving technology on the market. From a AngioVac System patient or a patient looking to use a PICC line or port with the technology to make their treatment as painless as possible… knowing that each one our our products has the chance to offer someone an enhanced quality of life motivates me to rise above and tackle any challenge that may surface throughout the day.

How has AngioDynamics changed in the time you have been with the company?

Thinking back over the past 8 years, while so much as changed with product acquisitions and new talent, the “Core Mission” of AngioDynamics to strive for excellence remains.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

With the growth and vision we see every day with products such as the Auryon System, AlphaVac device, and NanoKnife System pushing us to think outside of the box when it comes to what AngioDynamics can do to better serve our customer base, the possibilities are endless.

Kevin Dugan with his family

One of Kevin’s favorite sayings:

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

— George Eliot

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